Friday, June 19, 2009

Chad & Abby Get Hitched!

We are so excited for the newest member of the Judd family. Abby is sweet, funny and puts up with Chad. Those 3 qualities are a must around here! So, welcome to the family, Mrs. Judd! We love you both!

For more pictures click HERE!

The Boys are Back

Chad and his fellow Marines returned home on Memorial Day (May 25). Thankfully, they returned home safe and sound. This 4th of July will be extra special for our family. Now, we truly understand the meaning of our freedoms.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy Birthday, Chad!

Today is Chad's birthday! He has the gray hair to prove he is old too! Who would have thought he would be spending a birthday in Iraq-of all places? I believe his birthday gift is getting to leave Iraq. Although he isn't actually leaving today, he will be back in Az in a very short period of time. He told me that he can't wait to get some In-n-Out Burger. Seriously? If I was in a (crappy) foreign country, I could think of MUCH better places to eat when I got back home. Any how, we all hope you have a great birthday Chad! Things we love about Chad: *His confidence: He truly believes he's God's gift to women-and we think that's hilarious! *His sense of humor: He has a way of making you laugh, even when you don't want to. Also, refer to above *His kind heart: He has a strong love for his family, his new found military family and for his country. *His curly hair: I remember when he was a teenager, he tried using products to straighten it. Look how cute he was when he was little-all those curls! *His responsibility: He has grown up SO much in the past few years. He has turned into a great man and will soon be a wonderful dad and husband.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Steve!

Today is Steve's birthday! So, happy birthday to you! Hopefully everything is going great in Texas and you are able to have a wonderful day!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Baby, Baby

Well, I don't have much of an update, per say. But, I do have a couple of pictures to share with you! I believe Abby is due July 18th. Here is how she is looking...Cute!

Chelsea is due on August 30th. Hopefully Steve will be back in Az by then! Here is a picture of Aiden...

Friday, January 30, 2009

Chad's 'stache

Oh yes, Chad is growing a mustache. And he's mighty proud of it too! Although there is much debate about it on facebook, he is pleased with it. Apparently, he is doing well.

Thanks to technology, we are able to hear from him quite often. I am with out a webcam, so I don't hear from him much outside of e-mails though. Maybe Bradon would enjoy talking to his Uncle Chad, so I just might invest in one. I just don't know how long I can take looking at the mouse that resides on his upper lip! Okay, enough teasing!

If anyone is interested in sending Chad actual mail, let me know! Boxes are always welcomed too. If you come across hand warmers, I guess they are requesting them. My mom said that Walgreen's was clearancing them already for 50 cents.

Steve remains in TX and will soon be out of the Army and back in AZ with his family. I can only imagine the excitement he is feeling. I believe he only has a month or so more til he's completely finished!

Chad won't be home from his 'foreign venture' until around a month before Abby's due date. I know this is hard on the both of them, but they are taking it all in stride!

Well, I'm off for now. I will leave you with the most recent pictures Chad sent me.

If you are planning your next vacation, Chad suggests Iraq. He says they have "beautiful landscape and the flies aren't too bad". It sure sounds as nice as it looks. Take a peek at the high class restrooms and hotel accommodations...

Chad and Steve doing the "brotherly (in-law)" thing.

For a moment, I couldn't tell if Chad ever left AZ. The background sure looks familiar.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Babies!

Most of you already know, but Chad & Steve are both expecting new babies! Yes, both will be new dad's (Steve again). Abby and Chelsea are both due around the same time this summer. Chad will be due back from Iraq about a month before Abby is due. Steve will still be in Texas for a couple more months, but then will return to Az. Congrats to all of you!